My Services
Our work together is sacred. It is a commitment and journey of self discovery to the SEED of what has rooted within. I walk with you, listening, guiding, and holding space for you. We gently look at blockages that may be present in your body, mind & soul, as well as traumas, possible toxicity, lifestyle and diet. We work together toward supporting, releasing and healing on all levels of your body-mind-spirit.
My approach is personalized specifically to you. I am passionate about root cause and supporting you as you take ownership of your health! I'm so honoured and happy you are here.
crystal energy Therapy
Crystal Energy:
• Promotes and activates the body’s self-healing abilities
• Can support the balance of emotional energy
• Crystals hold space to experience mental clarity
• Increases mental/emotional awareness
• Encourages the development of creativity
• Unlocks the intuition
• Amplifies energy if there is a lack
• Encourages relaxation – if there is too much energy or hyperactivity
• Holds space for emotional release
• Works on the energetic levels to heal dis-ease
A combination of colour therapy and crystals are used to gently clear and release accumulated dense energies in your body, mind & soul. Crystals are used on specific energy centres and pathways on the body to help release dense energies in a safe and subtle way allowing you to replenish and heal while tapping into the ancient wisdom and transformational power they hold. They have the ability to reflect and bring out your own wisdom and tremendous transformational and healing power. Each session starts with a body scan to assess what is needed, then is personalized for you. It is very common to feel much lighter and deeply relaxed after a crystal healing session.
Elemental energy Medicine
A powerful, effective and non-invasive technique using the intelligent feed-back system of your body. Based on TCM's (Traditional Chinese Medicine) 5 element theory, auricular medicine, and energy medicine, this powerful technique stimulates your body's own healing process and deep healing patterns allowing new information and healing energy to flow into your energy field and in the necessary meridians feeding into your physical body.
Through the bio-feedback that your body gives me, I am directed to stagnant energies and areas that need the most support. Please note, I do not work with illnesses or symptoms, I only direct healing energy to specific areas which can awaken your body to it's own natural ability to self-heal. Your body's own healing process will clear, release, and heal as needed and on its own time. This process guides your personalized program. ​
Elemental energy can also be used to test food sensitivities, the correct supplementation, dosage and duration specific to you, as well as deepen your own spiritual practice. It can support the acceleration and deepening of your healing process, whatever journey you may be on.
For best results, consecutive sessions over a period of time work best along with other drainage programs and therapies that support physical and psychological wellness and healing.
1 SESSION | $111
In person or remote
*Session are approx 1 hour and are customized to every client*

1 SESSION | $188
Supplement/ Sensitivity Test | $50 | must be an add-on to session
In person or remote
*All session are customized and can range between 1- 2hrs depending on what comes up and needs support. Nothing is ever rushed in these sessions*
INTEGRATION & follow up
Integration is pivotal in any program. Follow ups are designed to help you integrate the healing you are doing, they support you, celebrate you, hold a safe space for you, and provide accountability so that you continue to take charge of your own journey. I continue to assess and support your program, we discuss the best steps of action that is right for you. Every body is different and unique. We are always on a continuous upward spiral of growth and evolution, and we all need support, you don't have to do it alone.
1 hour | $100
30 min | $88
In person or remote
Forest meditation
Guided meditation in a forest with intentional activities to facilitate deep relaxation, grounding and activate the innate healing abilities of our body. We dive into the science of nature and its connection to health and wellbeing. We learn why nature is so important in any healing process and learn how to slow down and tap into the incredible healing wisdom of Mother Earth..
Group | pre-set dates 1x/ month | $25
one-on-one | $65
Location can vary, please reach out for details or for more info
*Group meditations are approx 3 hours. 1-on-1 meditations are tailored for each client*
Holistic PACKAGE
​Energy Medicine
4x Energy Healing sessions, paired perfectly with your nutrition program. We clear energetic blockages and gently guide your body-mind-spirit into self-healing and auto-regulating. This package supports the letting go of what no longer serves you, and stimulates your body's own healing and clearing response for months to come.
Holistic Nutrition
1 Initial consultation, health assessment and bio-feedback testing for sensitivities and supplements. You will receive a personalized nutritional program with a full holistic recommendation plan including nutraceutical supplement recommendations to support your body-mind-spirit.
**supplements and nutraceutical products not included in price**
Support & Guidance calls (unlimited for duration of the program)